This site is the property of the company"UPSKILL HANDBALL", whose registered office is located: 51 Allée desVergnes - Altamira B - 06210 MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE. 

You have the right to access, modify, rectify,and delete data concerning you (Art. 34 of the law "informatique etlibertés" of January 6, 1978).  

DISCLAIMER, PRIVACY POLICY - GDPR AND OTHERS , considerspersonal information, such as your name, postal and e-mail addresses ortelephone number, as information of a private and confidential nature.Therefore, the personal information you provide to us is stored in a secureplace, is accessible only by designated personnel or authorized agents, and isused exclusively for the needs of certain services of this www will not disclose any personal information about you toother organizations. Upskill Handball is required to collectpersonal data, which is strictly reserved for members of the company for theexecution of the mission entrusted by the customer, without any commercial use,and this for 5 years. On these issues, any clarification orcomplaint, right of access, limitation, rectification, erasure, or portabilityof data in particular, can be requested:to the email or the postal address 51 Allée des Vergnes -Altamira B - 06210 MANDELIEU LA NAPOULE, clearly mentioning in the subjectline: "GDPR request" ;from the CNIL: on the website andpostal address 3 place de Fontenoy - 75007 PARIS. Collection of information When you visit the Website,you do it anonymously. No personal information is collected. However, in someparts of our websites, you may be asked to voluntarily provide us with personalinformation such as your name, e-mail address, etc., for the purposes ofcorrespondence, registration on the site. 

USE OF INFORMATION may use theinformation provided by users for example to provide a service, or inform usersabout new programs, new features of the site. All the lists used areestablished and managed under rigorous conditions, intended to guarantee thesecurity and confidentiality of personal information. You can request a copy ofyour personal information at any time, and request that it be corrected orremoved from our database. 

Because we consider the individual information,we hold to be confidential, the policy of is not todisclose any personal information collected online to third parties, unlesssuch disclosure is required by law or is part of an investigation or a judicialor administrative proceeding. www. does not sell, rent, orpass on any personal information to other organizations. 

The website of www. upskill-handball.commay contain links to other sites. In this regard, we strive to establish linksonly to sites that share our level of privacy requirements. However, we are notresponsible for the content of other sites or their personal informationpractices.
All texts, images, graphic elements, sound files,animation files, video files and their arrangement on the website of may not be copied for commercial or broadcast purposes,nor may they be modified or used on other sites. Any unauthorized use of the site or any ofthe elements it contains is considered to constitute an infringement and liableto prosecution 

Using the website www., you signify your assent to the Online Privacy Policy of . If you do not agree with this policy, please do not useour site. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to change, modify, add,or remove elements of this policy at any time. We invite you to regularlyconsult this page to be aware of any changes. By continuing to use our siteafter changes to these terms are posted, you signify your acceptance of them.